
The Importance of Balance
For the record:
That anyone as focused, unbiased, and honest as a U.S. politician ("Ted Kennedy" and "trusworthy" sound so good together in the same sentence, don't they?) would introduce his own partisan agenda into the confirmation of a candidate who, by all known measures, is eminently qualified did come as quite a shock.
The Kindly Planner's hope--however fluffy-minded it may sound--is to ridicule any politician for his/her pomposity and/or uncritical towing of the party line. In this sense, the Rapture is fully welcome and encouraged to ridicule and rail against any public figure (political or otherwise) who sounds like a dumbass. Yesterday, it happened to be Ted Kennedy. On most days, it's Rick Santorum. The future of our particular corner of the blogosphere will be rife with profiles of no-talent ass clowns; the inclusion of one particular person is not meant to be read as an endorsement of others--far from it. The Planner is surly and ridiculous, but above all aspires to even-handedness.
In this vein, the Rapture (hell of biblical, by the way!) it would be wise to note that both Republicans and Democrats have labeled decisions they disagree with as "judicial activism." What seems more important than whether or not we abide by strict constructionism is the safeguarding of every American's basic civil liberties. Sometimes the Court needs to be active in order to do so (Roe), but sometimes an active court is counterproductive (Dred Scott). This is exactly why it's important to roast politicians for cluttering up legitimate arguments with absolute nonsense, like (as Rapture points out) politicians' labeling of any Supreme Court decision they disagree with as "judicial activism" (said with that annoying, whiny sneer).
Regardless to that debate, please continue to post sarcastic, poignant, rigorous, and thoughtful paragraphs. The Planner wags its cute little tail every time you do!
I stumbled upon your blog. Very interesting. Thanks!
the answer is simple, rapture.
many readers of the Planner are liberals and view the Democratic party as the answer to all the nation's woes. unfortunately, from the Planner's perspective, Dems are often as dirty and foul as any Republican--they simply happen to have adopted a party platform that is more sane and reasonable sounding than that of Republicans.
Ted Kennedy certainly has some dirt on him. It sounds as though he often votes the same way I would, were I in the senate, but that doesn't afford him any more talent, or any less ass-clown-ness. Leaving a woman to drown in one's own drunken car wreck, then refusing to tell the authorities certainly qualifies as no-talent behavior (at least by the Planner's admittedly lax standards). The site will hopefully continue to baste, marinate, and cook anyone who gets on a moral high horse when they should be down in the mud with all the rest of us.
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