Monday, September 12, 2005

Ted Kennedy: Ass Clown

The Roberts confirmation hearings start today. A Washington Post article reports today that, for some reason, Ted Kennedy uses Hurricane Katrina as background for an interesting line of inquiry:
"What the American people have seen is this incredible disparity in which those people who had cars and money got out, and those people who were impoverished died," Kennedy said. The question for Roberts, he said, is whether he stands for "a fairer, more just nation" or will he use "narrow, stingy interpretations of the law to frustrate progress."

Can anything be more irritating than lopsided questions with built-in partisan bias? The New Republic has a great opinion piece about why John Roberts should be confirmed.

The Verdict: "Ted Kennedy" (along with the name of just about any Senate Democrat) is now appropriate shorthand for the term "No-Talent Ass Clown."


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