"Below the Belt"
I don't know if I should find this funny or not, but check out what NOW president Kim Gandy has to say about New Orleans:
And this:
Her column is titled "Below The Belt." The Planner doesn't quite know what to do with this.
I'm from Louisiana, as you may know. I lived and worked for 14 years in New Orleans, and spent all of those years as a NOW activist. The flood pictures that have been, well, flooding my TV and newspapers the past few days are almost more than I can bear.
And this:
Seeing tens of thousands of hungry and desperate people jammed into the Superdome days after the hurricane, without even a semblance of an organized federal relief effort made me want to scream. It's just such a classic case of needing nine stitches to make up for the one that wasn't in time.
Her column is titled "Below The Belt." The Planner doesn't quite know what to do with this.
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