John Roberts: Dork?

So, John Roberts is going to be the next Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Which is, apparently, kind of a big deal. So enough waffling, already; in the interest of secondhanded, up-to-the-week journalism, the Kindly Planner is boldly taking a stance on John Roberts now. But, in typical evenhanded style, we'll take a look at the relevant facts.
People who always sound a little hysterical to the Planner have vehemently opposed John Roberts' nomination. NARAL thinks John Roberts is a more avid pro-lifer than Eric Rudolph, and NOW thinks Roberts should burn in hell.
Still, Roberts has gone on record saying he kinda might sorta be a little bit pro-choice. So what's the deal?
Probably the most compelling evidence against Roberts' nomination can be found on Slate, where they discuss the steaming pile of Roberts dossiers in serious detail, combing over instances of sexism and concluding:
The problem isn't with [Roberts'] desperate housewives (or hideous lawyers) crack, but with his relentless "Gidget sucks" tone. Roberts honestly seemed to think that humor or disdain were the only appropriate ways to think about gender. It's not that feminists can't take a joke. It's that Roberts can't seem to take feminists seriously.
The record seems to make it quite clear that Roberts—with his "perceived/purported/alleged" discrimination trope—simply didn't believe that gender problems were worthy of his serious consideration or scrutiny.
So, in the 1980s, John Roberts, like a lot of men, was skeptical of--and maybe slightly perturbed by--the newfound power of the feminists. So he was dismissive of their claims. Still, a sexist jerk of the 80's does not a sexist jerk of the 00's make. Is John Roberts kind of a conservative stick-in-the-mud? Definitely. Does he make the Kindly Planner's All Time Top Supreme Court Justices? No!
Preliminary Verdict: John Roberts is about as smarmy and smart-alecky a dork as any of his photos make him seem. He is a sort of evil genius, but our political processes will get him confirmed. To avoid sounding hysterical, the Planner thinks it wise to accept his nomination, and to mercilessly and immaturely ridicule him at every available opportunity.
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