Tuesday, September 20, 2005

War on Terror: Victorious

In today's Washington Post, Barton Gellman reports that the FBI is seeking recruits for a new focus in the Bureau: cracking down on adult pornography. The article notes that this directive, which is deemed one of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' "top priorities," will deal specifically with that which is marketed to consenting adults.

Isn't it nice knowing that with domestic and international terrorism simmering gently on the backburner (no pun?), the FBI can now direct more attention to cooking-up a nice porno stew to sate the appetites of Christian conservaties, who deem the elimination of adult pornography a top priority on their political agenda?

Gellman also notes the priorities that the FBI lists as less important than said initiative, which include (among others) organized crime, civil rights and "significant violent crime." Wonderful to see that we, as a nation, are starting to understand the gravity of what it means to live in a society that is so deeply in love with freedom.


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